Maximizing Productivity with TMUX: A Comprehensive Guide

Tmux is a powerful and versatile terminal multiplexer that allows you to split a single terminal window into multiple panes or windows, creating a multi-pane terminal environment.

With Tmux, you can easily switch between tasks, detach from sessions, and reattach later, making it a valuable tool for developers, system administrators, and anyone who works extensively in the command line.

Getting started with TMUX

Here, some useful commands of TMUX are being described:

1. Create new session

To create new tmux session in terminal, use following command:

tmux new -s session_name

Replace "session_name" with a name of your choice.

This command will create a new Tmux session with the specified name, providing you with a fresh workspace to start your tasks.

The -s option is used to specify the session name.

2. To get List of TMUX sessions

To get list of active tumux sessions, use the following command:

tmux list-session

This will provide the list of currently active sessions along with their names and other infromation.

3. Attaching an active TMUX session

To continue working on a currently active session, use the following command:

tmux attach-session -t session_name

Replace the "session_name" with the currently active session that you desire to work into. You will get list of active sessions with command described above.


In this post, we have described some useful commands of tmux which can greatly help us in our work and enhance our productivity.